Tuesday, 25 November 2008

N.H.S. - A Rant (Aftermath to my accident)

Latest progress on my fall of the 19th September. I'm still using a walking stick but making slow, if steady, progress.

I decided to drop into my Doctor (a splendid chap from Gibraltar) but he was on holiday, so I saw some locum - I could barely understand him, so please don't ask me to spell his name.

I recounted the words of advice from the Hospital "...and if you can afford it, try to see a Physiotherapist". I always thought Physios were available on the NHS (they are) and recent changes have meant that one can self-refer oneself to a Physio by just walking into a Hospital. Well, that's the Theory. In practise, my PCT still requires you to get a Doctor's referral letter.

At least he told me what was wrong with my leg: a torn hamstring muscle behind the left knee.

I asked him if it would need an operation; he said 'No' and referred me to the local Physiotherapy unit (I have to phone them tomorrow).

BUT, I later spoke to my cousin. He has Exactly the same trouble with his knee as I.....and he is due to go into hospital to have it operated on next week.

I think i shall wait until my proper Doctor is back from his hols. In the meantime, let's see what the Physios have to say.....

1 comment:

Keith said...

Good luck with this. I wish you the best.