Wednesday 15 July 2009

My Tailor on Portuguese Television

Last Friday (10th July), my tailor - Ayres - was on Portuguese television: a programme called “Magazine Europe - Contacto“.

Click on the following link and see it in all its glory:

Ayres (that’s how you spell it, not Aires as in the TV caption - and it’s pronounced Eye-Rez) is in the first part of the programme: from 2 minutes in to 8 minutes. He’s also interviewed at his workplace (Gieves & Hawkes in Savile Row). It’s all in Portuguese, naturally, but at least you get the idea.

And he came back from Portugal with a few suit commissions (including two from members of the Portuguese Parliament).

Indeed, if you go back to my blog on the Naked Bike Ride in London [June 14th], you’ll find his back (and backside) in jeans and white short

And here he is with his Grandfather - Ayres is the third generation of tailors in his family.

Congratulations, Ayres….. [we have some spectacular creations to unveil in the future]..... I always like to think I can spot the rising stars!

1 comment:

Vera Marques said...

Espectacular ;) fico mt feliz por ti! beijinhos*VM